케이 엔 에스 엔 디자인 KNSN Design
평점: 5.0
건축, 수리 및 청소 > 건축,설계 
전화: 510.541.1634
휴대전화: 925.286.5897
팩스: 510.763.1520
홈페이지: http://sean@vbnarch.com
이메일: shhahnhotmail.com
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 케이 엔 에스 엔 디자인 소개
KNSN design has provided commercial architectural service for 6 years in San Francisco/bay area. And we have extensive experience with local city building departments, city/county fire departments and county health departments.

Expertise in typical fast phase TI projects including Spec TI.
We can give you updated marketing plan showing rentable, usable, load factors.
As-builts, Field Surveys, Conceptual drawings, Sketches
Small code compliance issue, fire rating issue, exiting issue.
For food facility, we have built great relationship with county health departments.