수정 치과 Crystal Dental
평점: 5.0
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 영업 시간
M~F 9am to 6pm

Sat 9am to 5pm
 업소평가 전체보기 업소 평가하기
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 수정 치과 소개
High Tech Dental Office, but with a Human Touch
-Orthodontics: Invisalin/Conventional Braces/Minimal Teeth Movement
-Periodontics: Lase Gum Surgery with no shot
-Esthetic Dentistry: No metal crowns/Partial, No prep Veneers(Lumineer)
-Teeth Whitening: Invisalign, Zoom2, Take Home Tray)
_White fillings: No heavy metal such as Mercury
 알림 글
Grand Opening in 2nd Location in Santa Teresa