배이 건축 Bay Construction
평점: 5.0
검색키워드 : kitchen, bath, cabinet, repair, 부엌, 화장실, 캐비넷, 수리
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 영업 시간
Please call anytime or email.
408-667-9427, napa0704@yahoo.com
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 배이 건축 소개
8 years veteran general contractor with license and bond.
 취급 업무
All aspects of residential and commercial environment work scope. From general repair to construction. Kitchen, bath, flooring, painting, carpentry, electrical, plumbing and so on. For commercial, we do upscale restaurant, hair salon, yogurt shop, deli shop, cafe, and such with themes. Design consulting, plan and permit, materials, everything you need to complete.
 알림 글
We guarantee the lowest price and fast pace working progress than any other comparative companies. Please contact us for your best satisfaction.