[체리] Lopez Ranch Lopez Ranch
평점: 6.5
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 [체리] Lopez Ranch 소개
A group of us came here today for some cherry picking. It's about an hour or so from the Peninsula, and it gets really trafficky right near the ranch because of the 1 lane roads and very dinky traffic lights.

There's no minimum purchase here which I appreciate. Today when we went, it was $2/lb. That's not particularly cheap, but you'd be hard pressed to find anything cheaper than that lately. The cherries here are pretty good. They had the white/yellow ones, red ones, and darker ones. If I were more well-versed in cherry terminology, I could tell you the official names... I think Rainier and Bing are among them, but don't take my word for it.

Eating cherries inside the orchard is a free-for-all, and then they weigh them all when you exit. The guy in front of me bought 25 pounds of cherries! Geez Louise... I walked away happy with my meager 3 lbs.