검색키워드 : 회계사, CPA, 세금보고, 텍스리턴, Quickbook, accounting,비지니스회계, business accounting, 공인회계사, 자산관리, 재산관리,CFP |
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2017-08-28 품질 : 10 서비스 : 10 가격 : 10
If you have any problem or concerns of ESPP/RSU, don't hesitate and just go to this guy and get a consultation.
I'm lazy person so usually I don't leave any comment even if I get satisfied with some services, but I'd like to say thank you on his professional service and help for my tax problem.
Recently I have moved to US office from Korean branch.
Since I worked in Korea, I have 2 RSU/ESPP accounts. one was open when I was in Korea and which is international account, the other is after I moved to US.
I didn't know I had to move the shares in international account to US, which is OK and not illegal.
and then 2016, my company merged with another company and the problem happened there.
as a part of merge, ESPP/RSU were sold automatically and ISR withheld 30% of total of ESPP/RSU unconditionally, not just gains.
I've contacted with 2 CPAs who have very good score/review in SFKOREA.. but they are very rude, arrogant, unprofessional and one guy told me even he doesn't know RSU/ESPP. and they didn't even try to understand my situation.
Eventually I met Mr. Lee. He understood my problem immidiately,
very professional/kind/listening to me and haha, yes, I got refunded my money back from IRS.
Don't waste your time with other CPAs if you have any complex Tax concerns, just go to him. |
2016-09-19 품질 : 10 서비스 : 10 가격 : 10
미국에 이민와서 텍스 보고를 하게되었는데 아무 지식이 없어서 아무곳에서 처음했는데 엉망으로 보고를 해서 손해를 많이 봤습니다. 이성준 회계사님을 만나서 상담을 했는데 내가 무엇을 잘못했는지 어떻게 해야하는지 잘 알려주시고 텍스보고도 완벽하게 해주셔서 정말 좋았습니다. 텍스보고뿐만 아니라 다른 자산관리와 노후대비에 대해서도 믿음이 갑니다. |
2015-12-01 품질 : 10 서비스 : 10 가격 : 10
제가 Retail 비지니스를 운영하는데 기존회계사와 문제가 있어서, SFKorean을 보고 걱정반, 기대반으로 이성준 회계사를 찾아갔어요. 기존 회계사와 다르게 셋업부터 회계장부, 세무부분까지 오피스 또는 온라인 미팅으로 회계사님이 직접 자세히 설명 해주드라구요. 제가 비지니스 운영으로 바쁘지만, 여러가지 방법으로 시간과 노력을 절약하며 스마트하게 일할수 있도록 비지니스 전반의 workflow도 바꾸어 주셨어요. 특히 저의 개인 절세, 은퇴계획까지 도와주셔서 정말 감사했어요. 정말 강추입니다!. |
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