쇼핑(쇼핑몰, 안경, 정수기) > 골동품,화랑,표구사 > 에덴프레이밍 (사진액자 제작, 수리. 십자수 제작 판매)
평가 (1 건)  업소 평가하기 
ecf42 2013-11-07 04:14:38
품질 8
서비스 8
가격 8
John, a framing genius, is the new owner and framer to work for you. The hours are Monday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. (Lunch break is 12:00 pm - 1:00pm.)
Framing repair is a availabe too. There is a special discount for art students.
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