가정상비약 의학용어 통증과 증상표현 예방접종
인체의 부위설명 치과상식 소아마비 간염
고혈압 당뇨병 메디칼 (Medi-Cal) 메디케어
(Medicare Part A & B)
  가정 상비약


감기약(Cold & Allergy Products)
  1. Actifed
  2. Alka-Setzer Plus
  3. Allerest
  4. Benylin Decongestant Elixir
  5. Contac
  6. Concidin D
  7. Dimetane
  8. Dimetapp Elixer & Tablets
  9. Drixoral
  10. Drixoral Plus
  11. Novahistine Elixir
  12. Sudafed Plus
  13. Triaminic
  14. Triaminacin
  15. 4-Way Cold Tablets
기침 가래약(Cough Remedy)
  1. Benylin DM
  2. Cheracol D
  3. Cerose DM
  4. Delsym
  5. Vicks Formula 44
  6. Vicks Formula 44D
  7. Naldecon DX
  8. Novahistine DMX
  9. Robitussin CF
  10. Robitussin CF
  11. Robitussin PE
종합 감기약(Multir-Symptom Cold Products)
  1. Comtrax
  2. Nyquil Night Time Liquid
  3. Robitussin Night Relief Liquid
  4. Theraflu
  5. Tylenol Cold
편도선(Sore Throat Lozenges)
  1. Cepacol
  2. Cepastat
  3. Chloraseptic
  4. Fisherman's friend
  5. Spec-T
  6. Sucrets
입술이 틀때(Cole Sore(Herpes)/Fever Blister)
  1. Anbesol
  2. Blistex
  3. Carmex
  4. Campho-Phenique
  5. Herpecin-L
  6. Tanac
  7. Zilactin
코막힐때(Nasal Decongestant)
  1. Afrin
  2. Allerest
  3. Dristan
  4. Neo-Synephrine
  5. Nostirl Spray
  6. NTZ
  7. Ocean Spray
  8. Sinarest
  9. Sinex
  10. Sudafed
  11. Vicks Inhaler
두염조 제약(Sinus Preparation)
  1. Sine-Aid
  2. Sine-off
  3. Sinutab
  4. Sudafed
  5. Sudafed Plus
구강궤양(Canke Sore Products)
  1. Anbesol
  2. Cank-Aid
  3. Orabase
  4. Orabase W/Benzocaine
  5. Ora-Jel
  6. Tanac
  7. Zilactin
두통, 진통제

해열,두통(Fever Headache)
  1. Acetaminophen
  2. Anacin
  3. Anacin 3
  4. Aspirin
  5. Ascriptin
  6. Bufferin
  7. Excedrin PM
  8. Tempra
  9. Tylenol
진통제(Analgesiz Pain Relief)
  1. Advil
  2. Ibuprofen
  3. Medipren
  4. Mothn IB
  5. Nuprin
생리통(Menstrual Pain)
  1. Advil
  2. Ibuprofen
  3. Midol 200
  4. Motrm IB
  5. Pamprin
알러지증세(Hay Fever Allergy Remedy)
  1. Benadryl
  2. Chior-Trimeton
  3. Dimetapp
  4. Sudafed Plus
  5. Triaminic
사마귀 없애는 약(Wort Remober)
  1. Duofilm
  2. Vergo Cream
  3. Wart-Aid
위산과다약(Antacid Remedy)
  1. Alka-Seltzer
  2. Amphojel
  3. Basaljel
  4. Di-Gel
  5. Gariscon
  6. Gelusil
  7. Maalox(Maalox Plus)
  8. Milk of Magnesia
  9. Mylanta
  10. Mylanta 2
  11. Rioan
  12. Riopan Plus
  13. Rolaids
  14. Titralac
  15. Tumbs Chewalde Tablets
설사약(Diarrhea Remedy)
  1. Bacid
  2. Diar-Aid
  3. Donnagel
  4. Fiber con
  5. Imodium A-D
  6. Kaopectate
  7. Lactinex
  8. Mitrolan
  9. Pepto-Bismol
  1. Citrucel
  2. Colace
  3. Correctol
  4. Ducclax
  5. Effer Syllium
  6. Ex-Lax
  7. Feen-A_mint
  8. Fiberall
  9. Fieet Enema
  10. Glycerin
  11. Metamucil
  12. Milk of Magnesia
  13. Modane
  14. Senakot
  15. Senakot-S
  16. Peri Colase
근육통(Extenal aualgesic)
  1. Absorbine
  2. Aspecreme
  3. Ben Gay
  4. Deep Heating Rub
  5. Eucalyptamint
  6. Flex-All
  7. Mineral Ice
  8. Myofiex
  9. Sports Creme
  10. Zostrix
입냄세 제거약(Mouthwash)
  1. Cepacol
  2. Chloraseptic
  3. Listerine
  4. Orafresh
  5. Sucrets Maxmum Streagth
관절염통증(Arthritis Pain Prodact)
  1. Advil
  2. Anacin
  3. Aspirin
  4. Ascriptin
  5. Bufferin
  6. Ecotrin
  7. Ibuprofen
수면제(Sleeping Aid)
  1. Nytol
  2. Sleep-eze
  3. Sominex
  4. Unisom
소독약(Topical Antiseptic)
  1. Bacfine
  2. Bag Balm
  3. Betadine
  4. Hilbiclens
  5. Hydrogenperoxide
  6. Neosporin
  7. New Skin
  8. Polysporin
  9. Solarcain
  1. Benadryl
  2. Caladryl
  3. Cortaid
  4. Hydrocatisone
  5. Pramegel
  6. Sarna
다리에 쥐날때(Leg Cramps)
  1. Quinine Suefate
  2. Q-Vel